Login Instructions Page
Lanier County Schools
Ask a teacher or visit your school media center for the current GALILEO password.
If you were previously provided with a password, but it is no longer working, please contact your media center to make sure you have the current password. GALILEO passwords change several times a year, so the one you’re using may be expired.
Password FAQsSteps to Access GALILEO
GALILEO is free to all Georgians via schools, colleges and public libraries.
Step 1
Find your school, university, or local library in the dropdown list and click "Go".
Step 2
Log in. If you don't know your account/password, ask your librarian. (If you need a public library account, get one here.)
Step 3
Start searching! A universe of resources - including databases, journals, ebooks, videos, and more - is freely available in GALILEO Search.